Say hello to the

Social media Manager notion template

The all-in-one template to help you organize + streamline your Social Media Management business! 

Let’s get real for a second, friend


Do you find yourself overwhelmed with managing your daily tasks, client projects, and social media content all at once?

Have you ever felt like your workflows are all over the place, and you're constantly juggling too many things at once without a clear system in place?

Is collaborating with clients and team members turning into a chaotic mess of emails and messages, making it hard to stay on the same page?

Do you feel frustrated after trying multiple tools and templates that just don't seem to fit your needs or improve your productivity?


I spent years trying different methods and systems for my SMM business. After lots of trial and error, I finally crafted a simple, organized system.

And now, I'm excited to share my exact Social Media Manager Notion Template with you. It’s a comprehensive, easy-to-use template designed to make managing your business, projects, and clients smoothly.

Ready to simplify your workflow & have a clear system in place?

What's Included?

Business/Life Hub

This comprehensive dashboard provides everything you need to organize and streamline your business efforts. Features include:

  • Goal mapping
  • Daily to-do lists
  • Content planning
  • Idea brainstorming
  • Client and project tracking
  • Financial management

What included? 

Client Content Portal

Enhance collaboration with team members or clients using this template. You can:

  • Map out client content
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Assign tasks
  • Set deadlines
  • Approve and review content
  • Communicate effectively, all in one place

Ditch the overwhelm

Get your hands on this all-in-one template today and take the hassle out of managing your social media tasks. 

Start organizing your days, streamlining workflows, collaborating seamlessly with clients, mapping out content, and much more—all in one place.
